Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reading Response #1 In-Class Writing

     "Is Google Making Us Stupid" really had an impact on me because while reading I noticed that some of the things the author had mentioned applied to me and my habits.  After spending vast amounts of time of the web or computer for school, work or just out of sheer boredom, I too have lost much of my ability to focus on long amounts of text or just focus in general.  My mind begins to wander and I am soon sucked away from the task at hand.  I used to love to read for long time periods but now I can barely focus to read a few pages in a textbook. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you I too have a tougher time focusing on hard copies of text such as books. I know in the back of my mind i can find a much simpler definition or condensed version of the text. I find my self going to google for short cuts instead of reading the entire piece.
