Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reading Response # 2

     I think the most interesting part about how he compared the artificial intelligence to the drugs used by athletes to improve performance.  It really made me think about how instead of altering the items we have to live a better or more productive lifestyle that we might begin to alter ourselves in order to gain a "better" life.  Also it was interesting how he believed that all the knowledge and information available is making us more intelligent but we just need better ways to organize and sort through all the data.  The views presented are almost polar opposite of the views presented in "Is Google Making Us Stupid".  In fact, the author states that Google is not a problem but the beginning of a solution.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the comparison to drugs was really interesting, and also poses further questions about how far our society should advance. Do you think performance-enhancing drugs should be illegal? Or is it comparable to "getting a faster computer or a better education" (37). I think, like you said, that we may be on the way to altering ourselves to achieve a "better", or maybe just more convenient, life.
