Monday, October 10, 2011

CR pg. 118 #1

     Scully builds his case by appealing to a typical conservative's moral standards about the treatment of animals.  He found that conservatives preferred he argued his point from an angle using words such as 'obligation' and relating the treatment of animals to such verses from the Bible on page 109.  Also he briefly touches on the subject of abortion and how it is comparable to animal farming.  This brief relation however is sure to touch deep into a conservative's viewpoint as many are against abortion.  He then brings up humanity's moral obligation to protect the animals because they cannot speak up for themselves as demonstrated in the court case he cites.

1 comment:

  1. I liked what you said in response to the argument. He is definitely trying to reach a conservative audience by bringing up abortion and the Bible because he wants them to promote better treatment for animals. By using those subjects, he probably gained a few supporters.
