Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RA #2

      The two ads are selling facial products and are targeting women.  They are both from women's magazines.  However the first ad, the one for an anti-wrinkle cream is targeting older women.  The second ad, the one for the Bioré face wash, is targeting young women probably in their teens or early twenties.
      The first ad has a woman, probably in her late twenties or early thirties.  The color scheme is red, orange and lime green.  The print is warm and flowing.  Also the flower is bright and vibrant.  The woman is smiling and appears very happy.  Her tan skin is glowing and appears soft and smooth.  The anti-wrinkle cream is feature fairly large down in the right hand corner.
      The second ad has a young woman porbably in her late teens or early twenties.  The color scheme is cool colors mostly blues and greens with hints of lavender.  The left half of the young woman's face is clean while the right side is covered in dirt.  Also the right side has white letters over the dirt saying "When you clean your face, be sure to get it really clean."  The cleanser is also pictured next to the right side of the face.
     I orginally had chosen the ad on the right with the young woman just because the products relate the most to me and I actually use the Bioré products.  I chose the second ad because it had an older targeted audience.  The ad for the older women is encouraging a youthful appearance and assumes that older women want to look younger and disguise their age.  On the other hand the one more focused toward young women is more focused on cleanliness and fighting blemishes which relates more towards younger audiences who struggle with acne and other various skin issues.  The second ad assumes that dirty skin is bad and clean, clear skin is good.

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